2025 ESPO Section Jr Leader (AGHE, BioSci, BSS, HS, SRPP)

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Signup Deadline: 12-01-2024
Starts: 01-01-2025
Ends: 12-31-2025
Location: Online Opportunity


If you do not see "Apply Today!" above, you must login to GSA Connect.

Before Applying For This Role

  1. Save a pdf of your most current CV and include a list GSA activities to upload as part of the application. Name the file with your first and last name, e.g. Jane Doe_CV

Role Overview

Work with the section officers of your primary section on the tasks and activities of your section. 


  • Help develop a designated ESPO Section Symposium with support from the Year 2 Section Jr Leader.
  • Communicate with ESPO Section Officers via quarterly calls to review activities and opportunities relevant to section and ESPO members.
  • Participate in section meetings, as scheduled by the section chair.
  • Assist with section activities, as needed, including posting information in the ESPO Connect Community related to your section. 

Time Commitment 

  • Up to 2 hours per most months. Additional time, up to 5 hours per month, will be required during the first quarter to coordinate the ESPO Section Symposium.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Current Student/Post Doc or Transitional/Early Career GSA membership at time of application and throughout term.
  • Must be a primary member of the section serving.

Role Commitment
January 2024 - December 2026 (2-year term)

Volunteers Needed:

5 (5 open slots)

Experience Required:

No Experience Necessary


Caroline Adams
Director of Governance & Leadership Development
Gerontological Society of America