2025 Grant Writing Program Development Workgroup

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Signup Deadline: 12-01-2024
Starts: 01-01-2025
Ends: 12-31-2025
Location: Online Opportunity


If you do not see "Apply Today!" above, you must login to GSA Connect.

Before Applying For This Role

Save a pdf of your most current CV and include a list GSA activities to upload as part of the application. Name the file with your first and last name, e.g. Jane Doe_CV

Role Overview

1.     Help develop GSA Webinars focused on grant writing skills such as: securing pilot research funding through NIA-supported center programs; government funding sources; transition awards; NACA-approved concepts, and more.


Webinar Development Workgroup members will

·       participate in regularly scheduled planning conference calls

·       prepare a list of webinar topics for the bi-monthly series

·       recommend and recruit expert speakers

·       review available materials that should be leveraged, linked, enhanced, or expanded

·       prepare questions for the webinar panelists

·       moderate webinars

·       address ageism and issues of equity/justice within grant writing

Time Commitment

Estimated 1-3 hours month. One call a quarter. Most work will be conducted via email. Moderating webinars (6 per year, 1 hour each)

Eligibility Requirements

  • Mid-career or senior career with NIA funding experience or experience teaching grant writing or mentoring experience
  • Early career or transitional member with experience in being a mentee or experience taking a grant writing skills program elsewhere

Role Commitment

January 2025 - December 2025

Volunteers Needed:

6 (6 open slots)

Experience Required:

See "Eligibility Requirements" above


Judie F Lieu
Vice President, Publishing & Professional Resources
Gerontological Society of America