Library Entries

33 Entries
10 years ago
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Session slides Introduction to GSA journals handout


10 years ago
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The GSA Research, Education, and Practice Committee highlights examples of projects in which there are linkages among research, education, and practice. We are endorsing Annual Meeting ...

10 years ago
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This file identifies those sessions at GSA 2014 that are focused specifically on women, courtesy of the GSA Women's Issues in Gerontology Committee (formerly the GSA Task Force on ...

10 years ago
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An informative infographic to the 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting.

10 years ago
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Thursday, November 6 3:00 pm–5:00pm Location: Marriott Marquis Treasury Supported by The Publications Committee


10 years ago
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10 years ago
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Policy Series, Minority Aging Topics, and the Biological Sciences Program


10 years ago
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#PDF #GettingStarted

10 years ago
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10 years ago
1 person recommends this.

Meeting maps, first time attendee information, and a simple location FAQ.

#PDF #FrequentlyAskedQuestions
