
The Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms You Experience When You Quit Smoking

By Judith Lewis posted 12-21-2020 02:59 PM


So many parts of your body are involved when you quit smoking. This is the reason why most people go back to smoking so quickly. There are numerous symptoms, and it can be rough. If you stick with your detox, it will be worth it.

It’s the first two weeks that are really tough. It would help to have a friend who’s also quit, and that person can help you with your withdrawal. You need a lot of moral support, so if you can get it, great!

 Appetite increase

Increased appetite is a common symptom after quitting. Poor nutrition, overeating, and weight gain are prevalent. It’s comfort food mainly. Visit, and you can quickly get nicotine patches and gum, as well as prescription medicine. This is a telemedicine service that saves you having to wait for ages for a doctor’s visit. 

You can see a doctor on the site via your phone and can be e-prescribed medicine that will help. Your consult works like this. You tell the representative what your issues are, and a doctor will call you back. It’s as easy and time-saving as that.

Cravings last longest

This is the symptom that lasts the longest. After your last cigarette, your body tells you it requires more nicotine. The cravings will last for a month or so. Then the psychological cravings begin, and this can last for about four weeks. After many years of smoking, it’s natural that the body gets a shock when you quit. The cravings are a form of it protesting. 

The cravings don’t last very long but they’re not pleasant while they do. There’s several things you can do to keep your body busy. Exercise is the best. Nicotine patches, gum, and spray will help here.

Hacking cough common

If you didn’t cough, or only mildly, when you were smoking, you are shocked when you develop an awful-sounding cough after you quit smoking. This is why it happens - tobacco smoke eases back the natural action of the little hairs (cilia) that move bodily fluid out of your lungs. After quitting, the cilia become active once more. 

As the cilia recuperate and the bodily fluid is cleared from your lungs, you may hack more than expected — maybe for a little while. 

Headaches and dizziness

Your body is reacting, sometimes wildly (like hacking and shaking), to your quitting. Headaches and dizziness are a common occurrence while this is happening. There is an absence of inhaled carbon monoxide, more oxygen fills the bloodstream, and this will cause dizziness and mild spasms. 

They can continue, sometimes constantly after you first quit, but three days or so later, you may only experience them occasionally.


Foggy brain” and fatigue are very common after quitting. It normally is very prevalent right after quitting. It’s part physical, part psychological and the best thing is to take a nap. Sleep is the great healer. 

You don’t realize the effort it is taking to keep on fighting nicotine withdrawal until it hits you and deep fatigue is the result. It’s nothing more than that, so don’t be alarmed.


Nicotine is known to affect bowel movement, much like caffeine, and after quitting smoking, you will find that you have become constipated. There are also gastro problems like nausea and gas after quitting.

This is as a result of the body has to cope with a lack of nicotine in the system. If you take up walking, and you should, then this exercise will help. Also, a mild laxative will also do the trick. Your body should revert to normal after a couple of weeks.

